
Don't we all love those small ABS plastic pieces? I don't have much of them myself, but my kids have, and I really enjoy playing with them (both the kids and the plastic
The Past
I still have some of my childhood Lego left and, more important, I still have my old Lego Idea Book! It's battered, and some pages are missing, but most of it is there.
I have finally bought a scanner and made some pictures.
The Present
I work with computers and I like to play with computers too. Combine this with a (kind of) obsession with Lego, an understanding wife, and some free time and what do you get?
The BlockCAD Lego drawing program!
I have also made a helper program for LDRAW - the great Lego drawing program made by James Jessiman. My program helps you locate the piece
you want, and is called LDList.
I also like to do ray-tracing on the computer, you can see some examples here and in the BlockCAD Gallery. There's also
my 1998 and 1999 Christmas Card.
My Lego collection
My Lego collection consists of a cardboard box with a couple of hundreds of my original childhood pieces, and two modern sets - the #8880 Super Car and the #8480 Space
My own creations (MOC)
I have built a model of the Lunar Lander with the pieces from the Supercar - sooner or later there will be some pictures...
In the mean time, take a look at my Steam Engine made of Lego.
Mostly I build with BlockCAD - it's cheaper than buying a lot of Lego. You can see some of my models in the Gallery (or you can download BlockCAD and play with the models yourself).
The Minifig World Tour visited me!
For two weeks in the autumn of 1999 I had two very prominent guests at my home! The minifig adventurers Colin and Wanda!
They are touring the world, and made a short stop at my place - leaving happy memories, and a short diary.
The Future
Lego has started making computerised bricks! I and the boys enjoy building with the CyberMaster kit. We make robots that can turn when they hit
something, or react on light, etc.
The kids are also part of the future, take a look at Johannes' Lego Page for example. Jonatan is
not so interested in making web pages, but he likes Lego! Jenny doesn't build with Lego yet, but she will... (Those pages are in Swedish, but
you're welcome to take a look anyway)

Lego Links
Why should I try to duplicate something others are doing much better?
Lugnet - everything you'll ever need!
Everything Lego - in case the above isn't enough.
BrickShelf - scans of building instructions, and millions of pictures of Lego models!
